Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Life in correctional facilities Essay

Prisons be utilize as punitory facilities which argon meant to influence the cruel to be a positively charged separate and accepted by the clubhouse. The rehabilitation process should be able to take the pitiful in his life history in and after prison ho enforce. There be certain factors that make single to become a guilty and vary to the criminal sort of life. Correctional facilities should not be brutal expectantly should guide the impris aned positively and motivate them to become law unchangeable citizens.The community should accept the pris wizr in one case he is released and treat him bid a citizen and accept that he scum bag change and interact freely with them. Life in prison Prison life can come step to the fore to be hard if the correctional facility uses correctional means which atomic number 18 torturous. Prisons be institutions where criminals or those who have gone against the law be kept. They atomic number 18 meant to bring an complianceiv e(prenominal) to positive life at the end of their clip and be able to contribute positively to the community. However, this has not been the case in these institutions.In this paper, we take a look at the individualal effects of what prison life is and how one can be able to adapt turn imprisoned. We take a look at some correctional policies that can be introduced in prison and what makes one to become a criminal (Crag 1992). In the past years, prison was based on punishing the federal agency game by inflicting pain on his body this has however changed as prison is seen as a form of rehabilitation to the con. Prisons have positive and negatives effects to the prisoner. There is the safekeeping of inmates where they are provided with the basic need of food, shelter and clothing.Prisons are used as correctional facilities which maintain and improve the inmates corporally and psychologically through counseling and physical exercise. The safekeeping of inmates includes locking them in a confined environment and allowing room for the isolation of welfare activities which satisfy their needs through recreation and education. It however makes them tactile sensation dehumanized and rejected by the society and this could backsheesh to mental depression. Timetables are used in this institutions touch a major factor in rehabilitation through procedures.They manage where to be at the right date be event it indicates time for shower, meals, labor time, recreational activities schedule and what time to go to bed. This method turns the criminal into a hard worker and changes his psychology by restoring responsibilities in him. He knows he has a duty to fulfill at a set outicular time. When a criminal is imprisoned for twenty years and follow the same routine, he is ineffectual to think of what to do with his time as his psychology is already used to one specific routine (Crag 1992). Use of uniforms in correctional facilities destroys the individuals personal identity and makes them feel part of a group.They are able to associate with each early(a) slowly and all feel are on the same level and no one is much limited than the rest. The physical condition of the prisons the thick walls, the barbed wires and the constant watchfulness they gat from guards shape the criminals psychology and think positively in order to be accepted by the society. Being touch by walls and the supervision makes the prisoner know he did wrong and for him to be free from the walls, he has to change his behavior in order to be accepted by the society. A prisoner can also be undermined in prison.There have been cases of rape and victimization which caused the affected to commove suicide or be damaged psychologically (Sham 1970). Policies that support an inmate to adapt to prison life. Having a psychologist to assist the prisoners adapt to the changes they are experiencing as they try to adopt in prison life. A psychologist should help in the emotional chang es by making them understand that prison is a correctional facility and not punishment. An inmate should be provided with better medical facilities when they shorten sick .This will make the inmate develop well socially and emotionally (Sham 1970). Activities alike sports, debates and singing should be introduced this occupies their minds and makes them live and develop socially and are used to each other. Holding regular competitions will lead to positive spirits and harmony among the inmates. The use of timetables is seen as a way which assists an inmate to adapt to prison life by knowing where to be and what to do at a certain time. A newcomer adapts easily to daily routine and feels part of the group by following what they should be doing at particular time.This also makes the inmates feel they are all part of the system because no one is treated in a special way. Dividing of tasks among the inmates also assists them to adapt to the environment as they communicate with the oth er inmates and are oriented to the tasks which are carried out (Sham 1970). The inmates need constant motivational and elate seminars which aid them in proper development. Spiritual uplifting gives them hope and make them develop in the right direction. They should also be given centering and know there is life after prison.The prison authorities should get guests who will motivate and uplift the prisoners (Sheldon 1982). Prison is intended to assist the criminal to change positively and bring no harm to the society once they are released. Prison should be used to correct the mistakes and uplift them to be acceptable citizens. Many correctional facilities use brutal methods to correct the prisoners like, physical beatings having one meal a day, no free time and practically of labor. This type of treatment damages the inmate physically and emotionally and does not bring any change to the prisoner.The prisons should give less labor to the inmates and time for rest. They should also introduce a system where they earn from their labor. For instance, if they work more(prenominal) hard, they get rewards lie TV, gym, football. This way they will be more make to get the work finished because there is a reward at the end of it. More time should also be put to initiate the prisoners. The library should be open to all prisoners who feel free to set up their knowledge. Holding competitions like football and debates makes them grow and are able to respect each other.Creating more time with family and friends gives them the assurance that people still take for them and will need to change to be accepted by their families. Having visitations like once a month will enable them to gather corporate trust in themselves. These methods lead the prisoner know there is more to life than punishment and they can live a good life by causing no harm to the community. Motivating them will make them start-off businesses once they get out of prison (Crag 1992). There are many rea sons which make one become a criminal.One of the many beliefs is when one was abused and depressed as a child or take flight into bad company when they were growing up. These changes their psychology as they grow up and they are filled with hate and revenge and will want to cause harm and that is the only way they will feel god near themselves. The environment where one grew up contributes to who they will be in future. If one lives in a neighborhood where people make a breathing by stealing, selling drugs and kidnapping, they will adopt to this methods slowly without realizing (Sham 1970).A person can also be labeled by society as a criminal and will adapt to that name. The lack of self control, hate and poor socialization skills make people to live with hatred and scatty to cause harm to individuals. Being in prison and seeing how other criminals behave and how they organize their criminal gangs also contribute to making one a criminal as soon as they get out of prison because they will have experience first hand fosterage from experienced criminals.While in prison, most inmates gather hope and confidence that they will be free one day. They should be encouraged to stop out of trouble while in prison and to develop in a way which will be acceptable by the society. A prisoner should not be excommunicated from the society and needs to be embraced in order to move in the right direction. The correctional institution should be seen as correctional centers whose main aim will be to assist the prisoners grow in the positive direction and should not be comprehend as a torture chamber.Once out of prison, the prisoner should use the skills acquired and bring positive development to the society and stay out of danger. However, the society will need to accept the imprisoned and treat him in a good way that will not hurt his psychology. References Crag, W. (1992). The practice of punishment. capital of the United Kingdom Rutledge Press. Sham, S. (1970). The inmat e social code. New York Wiley & Sons Sheldon, M & GreTosh, J. (1982). The pains of imprisonment. California quick of scent Publications.

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